Q1. What should I do if I don't receive my registration information in one business day?

Please write to support@xvideoconverter.com enclosing your name, the order ID and another email address. Sometimes we couldn't send the registration information to your original email address due to your Anti-SPAM system.


Q2. How much is the newest version for registered users of the previous version?

Any software upgrade is free for registered users.


Q3. Where can I get a registered version of the software or how can I register the software using the website provided?

If you have installed our trial version, you do not need to download anything else. To register the software, click the Register button on the main interface. In the register box, enter the registration key that we send you.


Q4. The registration key doesn't work. Is the info case sensitive?  Do I need the dashes?  Are they zeros or capital "Ohs" ?

Just copy and paste the registration key. 


Q5. I'm assuming that the unlocked version will not superimpose the X Video logo transitions on my converted files. Is this correct? 

Yes. X Video logo would not appear after you purchase it.


Technical FAQ


Q6. When I try to convert AVI format to VCD format I get mpeg format. Why?

The mpeg file is the VCD compliant mpeg file. Then you need a VCD burner. We recommend NERO. Burn it with the option "To VCD". Follow the wizard. 


Q7. Is it possible to convert an AVI Divx file to a MPEG-1 file to make a VCD with your X Video Converter?

Yes, you could convert DivX (avi) file to VCD compliant files (mpeg-1) with X Video Converter, and then burn it to VCD with a VCD/DVD burner. 


Q8. I cannot convert mpg to wmv. Every time I try the program crashes with the message "VBC MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close".

Download a MPEG-2 Encoder (K-Lite Codec Pack Full Verison) at http://www.k-litecodecpack.com and install it. 


Q9. I convert DivX to mpeg2, but it does not preserve the relationship of movie. The DivX Movie has 640x336, all converted videos are totally distored.

The converted file is corresponding to the original file. If not, you could custom the size.Click the "Edit Profile" button in the "Convert to MPEG" Window. Set the Width/Height to 640/336.


Q10. I tried converting some of my windows media videos to VCD. Then I burned the file I converted. now my problem is, the video I burned on the CD cannot play on our player.

Did you just copy the video file directly to CD?  If so, it can't play on your player.  For example in NERO, you should burn it with the option "To VCD".


Q11. How can I convert the .asf file to an .mpg file in the NTSC format?

1) Select the "All to VCD/SVCD/DVD" option in the "Task Window"

2) Select NTSC in the Video Type list.


Q12. When I convert a video to mpeg, why are there 3 seperate files? The 1st is the new file I converted, the 2nd is audio, and the 3rd is video. There's no way to convert just to 1 mpeg file?

Download a MPEG-2 Encoder (K-Lite Codec Pack Full Verison)at http://www.k-litecodecpack.com and install it.


Q13. Why does X Video Converter convert an mpeg to DVD twice the size as the original?

Although the extension of a DVD/SVCD/VCD file is mpeg, it's different with the normal mpeg file. For the same file, its DVD/VCD format is always much bigger than the standard mpeg format.


Q14. How do I get the new video file to play in any DVD player?
After you finish the conversion, you need a DVD burner to burn the file to DVD. Pay attentions that don’t just copy the file to DVD. Following the steps below (Nero here, for example).

1) Run Nero and shut down the wizard. Select DVD-UDF/ISO option. Leave set at all the defaults, enter a Volume Label in the Label tab. If you intend to playback your DVDR's on an XBox, then in UDF Tab, click the option on for "Force DVD-Video Compatibility Mode (Required for XBox)", though this I have never confirmed as I dont have an XBox.

2) Click the New button and browse to your new VIDEO_TS folder (Right Hand window) and drag it to the VIDEO_TS folder in the left hand window. Drag the empty AUDIO_TS folder across also as this is reported to be needed for playback compatibility with some DVD Players. 

3) Click Burn icon, set speed to 1x, 2x or 4x (or leave on Max) depending on the media rating and burner capabilities and then click OK. Sit back while the DVD is burnt to the DVDR. Burning time for a full DVDR is 56min at 1x, 28min at 2x and 14 min at 4x.

4) The excitement builds! As it finishes burning, rush it to your DVD Player, get a stubby from the fridge, something to nibble and sit back and enjoy the movie!


Q15: How do I convert the video to DivX?

DivX is a codec of AVI file, you can select "All to AVI" to begin converting. First please insure you have installed the codec (You can download it at http://download.divx.com ). Then in the Edit Profile dialog, select DivX in the Video Compression Codec list, press the Done button to add the task to the list.


Q16: Which codec is better when dealing with AVI file?

Of course we recommend DivX, not only its fast speed but also the quality.


Q17. Could I convert WMV and/or MPEG to ASF so that I can stream it with a Windows Media Server?

There is no need to convert WMV to ASF. Windows Media Server supports WMV files perfectly. WMV is a more advanced format than ASF, and ASF is a previous version of WMV.


Q18. Does your product support Windows Media 9?

XVideoConverter supports decoding of Windows Media 9 into other formats, moreover we are watching for the new releases of Microsoft and include support for them in our program.